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 The Script So Far.

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Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-07-04

The Script So Far. Empty
PostSubject: The Script So Far.   The Script So Far. I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:29 am

Right Everyone, Yesterday and Today i've been having trouble with my computer, so i've been really confused about the script, so i appolagize. But now whats really confused me is what script were on but anyway. The Script i have is the one i'm working on. The Things i've eddited and scripted

"-" - /gov[invite] - To Invite somone into the "Mayor Faction"
"-" - /gov[uninvite] - To Un-Invite somone in the "Mayor Faction"
"-" - /setrole - Thats like changing rank but only in the "Mayor Faction"
"-" - (( More things about the Mayor Faction will be updated ))

I've Also Edited some colours and actually have alot to do with the colours, because persoanlly i hate the default colours in this script.

"-" These are some of the majour things i'm going to add into the script. Some examples of /cmds and what they do

"-" - /gps ( find/locate/mark ) This is were if your in a vehicle that you own, And you have bought a GPS System, You can mark and find places in the city, This Increases RP so much... So people dont metagame about were they are going just by the MAP/RADAR

"-" - /trunk ( in/out ) - This is were you can store a gun inside a trunk of a vehicle, what i'm still deciding is if it should be only in the vehicle you own, This if doing /update will completly store inside your vehicle and will only diss-appear if you take it out and loose it

"-" /storage [ gun ] This is were you can store a gun of your choice This is kinda OOC gun storage, But alot more will be explained about this particular /cmd

"-" /de(stroage) [ gun/id ] This is were you can OOC'ly take out your gun,

"-" /recon(on/off) This will be much better than the /specplayer(on/off) that we have at the moment, because you will be able to spawn back to were you live, and even possibly back to your Orignial Space.

"-" /online - This is were you can use the /cmd Online to see witch of your family members are online by Family members ofcourse i mean Faction Members

"-" /setfspawn - That is Set Faction Spawn, This is were you can set your factions spawn.

** Also, I'll be adding more jobs, like Bin Men, Street Cleaners Typical jobs for regular people.

ALOT MORE will be updated, And remembers please dont expect all these things to come to you quickly, I'm going to take my time and get it all right. I'll update this with the estimated time i will be Finished with the script

I Hope You like Wink

~# Chris #~
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Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-07-04

The Script So Far. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Script So Far.   The Script So Far. I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 4:10 am

Chris wrote:
Right Everyone, Yesterday and Today i've been having trouble with my computer, so i've been really confused about the script, so i appolagize. But now whats really confused me is what script were on but anyway. The Script i have is the one i'm working on. The Things i've eddited and scripted

"-" - /gov[invite] - To Invite somone into the "Mayor Faction"
"-" - /gov[uninvite] - To Un-Invite somone in the "Mayor Faction"
"-" - /setrole - Thats like changing rank but only in the "Mayor Faction"
"-" - (( More things about the Mayor Faction will be updated ))

I've Also Edited some colours and actually have alot to do with the colours, because persoanlly i hate the default colours in this script.

"-" These are some of the majour things i'm going to add into the script. Some examples of /cmds and what they do

"-" - /gps ( find/locate/mark ) This is were if your in a vehicle that you own, And you have bought a GPS System, You can mark and find places in the city, This Increases RP so much... So people dont metagame about were they are going just by the MAP/RADAR

Looks nice, and damn, you're a good scripter Very Happy

"-" - /trunk ( in/out ) - This is were you can store a gun inside a trunk of a vehicle, what i'm still deciding is if it should be only in the vehicle you own, This if doing /update will completly store inside your vehicle and will only diss-appear if you take it out and loose it

"-" /storage [ gun ] This is were you can store a gun of your choice This is kinda OOC gun storage, But alot more will be explained about this particular /cmd

"-" /de(stroage) [ gun/id ] This is were you can OOC'ly take out your gun,

"-" /recon(on/off) This will be much better than the /specplayer(on/off) that we have at the moment, because you will be able to spawn back to were you live, and even possibly back to your Orignial Space.

"-" /online - This is were you can use the /cmd Online to see witch of your family members are online by Family members ofcourse i mean Faction Members

"-" /setfspawn - That is Set Faction Spawn, This is were you can set your factions spawn.

** Also, I'll be adding more jobs, like Bin Men, Street Cleaners Typical jobs for regular people.

ALOT MORE will be updated, And remembers please dont expect all these things to come to you quickly, I'm going to take my time and get it all right. I'll update this with the estimated time i will be Finished with the script

I Hope You like Wink

~# Chris #~
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