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 What do we do?

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Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-07-04

What do we do? Empty
PostSubject: What do we do?   What do we do? I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:31 pm

The Federal Beureau of Investigation

What do we do

We are a invisible organization, We stay in hiding secretly protectiing and secretly

Permissions via Ranks

Agnet Trainee - Must be supervised by a Agent and above,

Proffesinal Staff - Able to use vehicles, Able to use weapons, only under the circumstances of "EMERGENCYS"

Agent - Able to use vehicles, helicopters, Able to use weapons,

Special Agent - High Command What he says goes, if in a nessesary situation

Special Agent in charge - In Charge of Agents, Takes on big missions, Able to look at classified files

Co-Director - When Director isn't around he is in charge, anything he sais goes.

Director - Able to accses and do basicly anything.

Oath if being in the Federal Bureau of Investigation

- I Promise to never snitch lie or inform anyone outside the of the Organization about classified status or secrets about the Headquaters.

- I Promise to never kill a inocent person

- I Promise to follow all laws of Los Santos

By Taking and Remembering this oath, If broken, face big Consequences

(( will be updated! ))
(( remember this is OOC ))
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