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 Server Rules

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Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-07-04

Server Rules Empty
PostSubject: Server Rules   Server Rules I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 12:50 pm


Server Rules:

These are our server-rules, every attempt to violate one or more of these will result in admin actions against you.

1. Do not meta- and/or powergame.

2. Role-play at all times unless you're in admin-jail (see 3., "Server Rules"). Only administrators are allowed to declare a situation to be OOC and/or interrupt an RP event.

3. Do not role-play while in admin-jail, the place is OOC.

4. Do not use any third party cheats, hacks or modifications (such as CLEO), which will give you an unfair advantage over other players.

5. Do not deathmatch (DM); killing another player is alright, as long as you've got a proper role-play reason.

6. No revenge-killing. If you are brutally wounded and no medic saves you (you respawn), your memory will be cleared and you'll forget about the killer In Character. Attempting to kill the killer after you've been killed, is revenge-killing.

7. Do not heal during fights.

8. Do not bunnyhop. Jumping to get somewhere faster is not realistic.

9. Do not jack cars with a driver inside without any role-play. By that it's meant, that you shouldn't just go up to a car that has stopped for whatever reason, press "f", pull the driver out and drive off.

10. Stealing goverment vehicles (PD vehicles, ambulances, SAN vans, taxis etcetera) isn't allowed unless you've got a proper role-play reason. It's suggested to ask an administrator on duty if your reasons are valid before you steal one of these.

11. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations such as OMG, LOL, u, ur, w8, lmao and/or smilies In-Character.

12. This is an English speaking server - other languages are only allowed in OOC chats, such as /b, /pm and /f.

13. No abusive language towards other players in any OOC-chat.

14. Do not spam chats (IC & OOC) and/or commands (including commands like /fish).

15. No fully capitalized sentences in OOC-chats (/b, /pm, /o).

16. You're allowed to ignore OOC-chats during role-play situations unless it's an administrator talking to you.

17. Driveby as driver is not allowed, with exception of cops and passengers.

18. Do not pick up and/or use dual weapons. Picking them up in an interior will get you admin-jailed/kicked, using them will get you banned. If you've accidently picked up a dual weapon, use /weapons & /dropgun <ID> to remove it.

19. Do not AFK/idle/alt-tab for longer than a few minutes. If you've got to be AFK for 5-10 minutes or longer, inform the administrators in-game about it.

20. Do not PM admins In-Game with suggestions etcetera, use the forum.

21. Do not PM admins In-Game with unban-requests, again use the forum.

22. Do not abuse or spam the /report and /re functions.

23. Sexual harassment (rape, forcing a player to prostitute him/herself, etcetera) towards another player is not allowed, do this without an OOC agreement between both sides, and you're banned.

24. Do not violate rules because someone else did it against you. For example, don't quit to avoid death costs because (in your opinion) you've been death-matched.

25. Quitting to avoid death bills allows admins to SCRATCH your properties on your account to re-pay it, quitting to avoid being arrested will get you admin-jailed for the time you'd have had to sit in IC-jail + an OOC punishment time for trying to avoid an arrest.

26. No OOC-scamming/robbing. IC-scamming/robbing is allowed, but not more than $5,000 in a robbery, and not more than $50,000 in a scam.

27. Robbing/scamming of level 1-2 players is not allowed, they need to learn.

28. Civilians are not allowed to take contracts, only members of contract factions are.

29. No vehicles inside the mall, only bikes (motor-bikes, BMX's) are allowed to be driven into and out of the mall from the western and/or eastern entrance.

30. Provoking cops to a chase without a proper IC reason is not allowed (non-RP).

31. Company advertisements (/cad) are not supposed to be used for private reasons. Do not use /cad just because you want to hide your name and/or number.

32. You do not need to role-play pulling out smaller weapons such as pistols and knives, however, you do need to RP taking out bigger weapons such as shotguns, M4's & baseball bats.

33. Nazism is not allowed at all, both IC & OOC. Racism is allowed in limited forms IC, but a ban-able offence OOC.

35. When flying, you must be tuned into radio channel 20.

36. Commenting on kicks/bans/jails in any chat to any player is not allowed.

|| Rules can change without notice! ||

|| Edited By Chris ||
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