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 RP Guide Part 1.

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Join date : 2009-07-04

RP Guide Part 1. Empty
PostSubject: RP Guide Part 1.   RP Guide Part 1. I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 2:10 pm

First of all i would like to tell you about a little thing call'd CK(Character kill)
1) There need to be at least 4 people from the attacking side to attempt to kill some one and force CK.
2) The event has to be spectated by an admin, to make an attempt of CKing a person, and the one about to get Cked needs to Roleplay the event, not even knowing whats going on, or no need to accept the CK, if everything is Rped correctly and the person gets killed the spectating admin count it as a CK, if Fail he cant be Cked in a complete 24 hours.
3) The CK victim has to be alone.
3.1) In case the person is not by him/herself, you need to be aware of it, and send to hospital that person, while you kidnap the person and kill him/her following all server rules and in good rp maners.
3.2) If the victim defends himself and one of the four die, the attacker (the one who died) get CKed.
3.3) Same rule applies to killing police officers and FBI agents.
3.4) There must be a real good reason IC to roleplay it, without it, your attempt will be taken as a death match and you will be punished by server admins for like any other death matching.
4) If you get CKed you loose your properties and your will is being enfored.
4.1) In case you have a property given by the family you will hand it back to the family and the WILL will decide where your money will go to, as well as your house.
4.2)In case you dont have a will, please read the WILL F.A.Q where it states ``If no will found.....´´.

CKs Recovery or Termination of account Fast comments:

a) you can donate $2 (to keep your level and other stats like licenses, kill numbers, etc) but you loose your money, houses and bizs you own.
b) CK by suspension of the account, and making new one.


(Q)-What is it?
(A)- Testament, a legal document that is being enforced when a person dies, sending all the persons cash and properties to the person that he/she have pointed in the will. (if the person has a property as a Family business, it will stay in family and will be handed to the higher rank and money cant be transfered).

(Q) Where do i post my Will?
(A) People will post their wills in the ``wills forum´´ and you cant see other people' will. After person get CKed, the will is released to public.

(Q) What happens if I die without a will?
(A) If you don't make a will or use some other legal method to transfer your property when you die, state law will determine what happens to your property. Generally, it will go to your spouse and children. If no wife can be found to inherit your property, it will go to the state(removed and setted for sale).


That's what lead us to the second thing i got in mind .. Some rules for mafia/gang/law enforcement and gang/mafia wars.
We all know that sometime someone wants to have some RP'ing war but to do that some speciel rules have to be added so here the rules i had in my mind.

Since ages ago the way have been Death match, killing around, not even Rping a single thing.

from now own, will be Complete and direct roleplay on it, if a Don(godfather) does not enfore it, means its not situable for it.

Don = Godfather, actual main target of the wars, barely succefull to kill him due to complete security around him.

Underboss = as protected as the godfather but most likely it shows to the family without so much risk like the don, but its also a bussness man and not a fighter.

Representative = Related to the Capo dei capi directly, like the lawyer from a family to the CDC, either so its not a fighter but neither a civil.

Counsigliere = Civil, not taking part of family shows but hes job its to show others ways to the godfather on how to manage a situation, not s fighter, but also a target for rival family.

Capo, soldier, piciotto etc, are the ones going to war.
Capo commands give orders and soldiers make it no matter if it has to die for a cause.


1) Wars wont be started by no other than a RH and don, if Don its online, no RH command its valid.
2) No more dons in war.
3) No more jumping inside a car to catch guys dming.
4) No more RH(underboss) in war, neither Counsigliere, or Representative.
5) Need to roleplay the roles no matter if you the friends likes from year before.
6)War are not made by wave and catching people in the street, War its not like that, and i will place an example how to do it:

Family A had a meeting with Family B, but they do not respect each other and brakes its alliance, Family A wants to solve an issue, but the Family B refuse, Family A goes and get CDC to talk about what happened, but if CDC cant do anything, and Family b wants a war, then you need to use your role good.

Family wars are not bunch of guys, Don, plans something, and his soldiers capos etc follow it, either way, when there is a war, you send a group of people to make a hit, killing for killing its over, from now own wars are like that.

Don of Family A, notice the intention of the Don from Family B, so Don of Family A takes one capo 3 soldiers and order them to kill (CK) their capo to lower their morale or even killing lets say counsigliere, so Family A troops goes in charge, Roleplay, and wait for the moment the targer its ready to be catch up, gets kidnaped, and take it long way, or even, if possible kill it there.

In case that hit must be done, you call the admins to look at the roleplay and avoid the abuse.

If the attempt succed, its up to familys if you keep the war still on.

The guy/person gets CK means its dead person.(check CK Rules post please)

Rp to the most, act like real mobster, and think well your move.

by now its done.
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