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 RP Guide Part 2.

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Join date : 2009-07-04

RP Guide Part 2. Empty
PostSubject: RP Guide Part 2.   RP Guide Part 2. I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 2:11 pm


Okey, / gun in ass, And i'm going to tell you what it means right now and right here so listen up and start read.

Alright, Gun from ass means; You know IG(In Game) you can't see when you scrole the MMB(Middle mouse button) that your character take he's hand somewhere and take's out a weapon it just pop up in he's hand. Thats where the /me command come's in the /me command is used to do all the things that you(and other player) can't see be done, For ex: this with the weapon, And also if you got a havery weapon you can't say like ex: /me Takes out he's M4 from he's hidden pocket" That would be totally stupid then you have to RP you have a bag or something, And if you don't want to write this each time you take out your weapon, Then get intalled keybinder, Keybinder is program that bind the following keys: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 with that you can have all the needed commands, And by the way after you use'd the /me command to get your weapons out, You have to wait atless 3/5 seconds befour takeing your weapon out,And remember to be very detailed about where you take your gun from, Becoures /me Takes out deagle" is not RP'ly use maney details so the other players understand from where the gun came.
Here is a link to a keybinder program:

Now i'm going to tell about PG(Powergameing and how to avoid it.

Hello. In this post I will explain what is Powergaming and how to avoid it.
Part 1 - RAMBO RP
Powergamers also getting called as Rambo Rp'ers etc. etc. What's Rambo RP? I will explain. Well if we will look at server we will see that every one are RP'ing as an ilegall person as Mafia Member, Corrupt Cop, Tough Guy, Street Gangster, Hitman and many other life styles. Well not every one that lives Ilegall life are so cool and so though as you RPing. It's like cops trying to get an information about your name and you aint telling them, they starting to beat you up ICly but you aint telling them, they threating you with a life sentence ICly but you aint telling him. In real life 70 % of people will tell everything when cop will just take out a gun. Don't RP as Superman or Rambo... Well here's an Example of Rambo RP-
Lets imagine that your character being kidnaped. Ofcourse criminals took you to the quiet place somewhere in the desert, drag'd you out the car and aimed a gun at your face... They asking for money. Ofcourse OOCly you know that they will kill you just right after you will give up the money so you ain't giving it up! But why!? In real life if you getting into situation like this you still got hope that you will give up all your money and do anything that person says just to stay alive. Irl you still hope that you will stay alive and you doing EVERY THING! Every thing that person with a gun says! But Rambo RP is when you spitting at guy's face while he aim's at you, getting a super power, taking a gun out your pants, shoting him and all his friends in his head!!! It's something impossible. Nobody wants to die in real life but you will start to yell out - ''IT'S ONLY A GAME, FUCK OFF''... But it's a game with a rules and rule says- ''It's an RP server so act like you would do IRL'', so keep it real, keep it more realistic as it possible.
Also we will take another situation... Like some meat tower or just a guy with a couple of friends were hanging around. He ACCIDENTLY pushed you by his shoulder and you shouting: FUCK OFF!!! Ofcourse you can RP as a man that can fight but not man without fear of anything! My point is - If you looking for beef and runing around with a gun, trying to start a war you deserve a CK (character kill)... If you got no fear lets see how you going to act after a couple of CK's... DON'T POWERGAME! DON'T RAMBO RP...
PART 2 - Usage of Powers that you don't actually have
Usage of Powers that your character don't have are close to Rambo RP but it's a different thing.
You getting chased by some guy you don't even know or you know him it's not the point... Well you just doing /me command like /me takes out a gun... But you aren't taking out the gun (you don't have the gun), you did it just with /me command. It's non-rp and don't use items that you don't have... It happens, some players are trying to do tricks like this. Lets say cops arrested you and they cuffed you. You got handcuffs on but suddenly cops left the car because some scene going on the street. You are alone in LVPD cruiser/FBI car or something else. Cops are outside... And you just simply doing - /me breaks the cuffs and runs! That's a Powergaming too... Don't do it! It's Non-Rp and it deserves a - Admin Jail/Kick for Non-Rp. Otherwise you running away from cops and you keep hitting your ''Shift'' button. You sprinting like 10 minutes... It's a powergaming too so don't do it because you ain't no sprinter, actually sprinters can't do so. Don't powergame!!! It's NON-RP!

That's end, pretty small guide but it's useful as I think... Aren't copied, made by myself... Thanks for attention

Now i'm going to tell you how to RP'ly(Roleplay'ly) steal a car.

How to RPLY steal a car:

Most important thing is not to just randomly take a car. As it will spoil RP.
This is a guide how to RPly jack and/or steal a car.


Find a way for the driver of a car to pull-over. Such as feigning an injury witch tempt's them to stop and help you. Let's keep it on that example;
An example conversation:
[CRACKY VOICE] Help me! Im hurt!
* The car pull's over and the driver get's out. *
Driver: What's wrong sir?
I'm hurt, come a bit closer!
* Charlie WestWood attempt to knock the driver out.


RESIST = Succeeed

* The driver avoid's the punch, and may possibly have called the police *
You have to run.


* The driver is knocked out *
* Charlie WestWood stand's up.
* Charlie WestWood head's for the car, witch the driver is knocked out from.
/action The car's were left in the ignition.
* Charlie WestWood drivers away..

How to RPLY pick/steal a parked car:

* Charlie WestWood take's out a slim box, with a picklocking kit out of his jacket.
* Charlie WestWood take's a small, strange looking piece of metal out of the kit.
* Charlie WestWood put's it in the lock.
/otry to pick the lock of the car door.
(( Till succeed ))
* Charlie WestWood open's the door and get's inside.
* Charlie WestWood head's for the driver seat.
/action The ignition is not starting.
* Charlie WestWood crawls under the dashboard.
/otry to hotwire the ignition.
(( TIll succeed ))
/action The motor makes a sound.
* Charlie WestWood drivers away.
((FAIL = ))
/action The alarm starts to sound.
* Charlie WestWood run's off.

For all the PPL that pull people out of cars with 200 KMPH

I found all the things, and putted them together
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